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Detergent line D&S Oenotria

The the cellar and the equipment hygiene is a key aspect due to produce genuine and pleasant wines. All cellar departments, environments and equipment must be clean and require periodic inspection, not only for regulatory compliance, but also to ensure that the wines are produced following all the best practices in the cellar.

For the hygiene of the cellar, the LET has developed the D & S range Oenotria that covers the needs of the winery such as cleaning the rooms, equipment and Pipelining, the microfiltration plants, glass containers, bottling plants. In general, detergents and sanitizers offered by us, are highly concentrated, with sequestering agents, chelating agents,and more.

That enable high performance at low doses, a highly professional line, which has no equal in the market. For environments and the outside of the equipment, we recommend OenoClor L, being an active chlorine, at the same time we can sanitize and clean, degrease and remove organic residues with success. OenoDet L and OenoDet P, are our alkaline detergents suitable for tank washing, equipment and piping, any object come in contact with the wine; after alkaline washing and water rinse, we suggest to neutralize any residual with OenoFos DR50 which is an inorganic acid detergent. For huosing and membranes cleansing and sanitizing we offer a basic detergent called OenoDet MF.

It is a little aggressive agent and has very high performance, which can be used in both flow and inverse flow, where is able to remove any organic residue, while for sanitization OenoDet Oxi and OenoDet Ox.c with peroxide and peroxide + citric acid allow us to eliminate all forms of microbiological pollution. In case of occlusion of microfiltration membranes, if it were due to organic material, using OenoZym P we are able to regenerate and re-render efficient unusable cartridges. For basic cleaning of glass containers OenoDet V removes any organic residue without leaving streaks of any kind, thanks to its innovative formula.

For bottling plants suggest Oenodet L as basic washing and after a rinse with OenoXil 15, based on peracetic acid and peroxide with high performance, or after the basic washing we can directly use OenoSin 150, composed of an organic acid to strong oxidizing power and therefore able to eliminate all forms of microbiological pollution.

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